

天赐美食轩于2015年4月8日正式开张营业,是一家以东北菜为主其他菜为辅的东北菜饭店 。主厨是具有二十多年经验的东北菜专业厨师。本店除了堂吃,外卖,还承办婚宴酒席及各种中小型聚会 ,最多容纳90人。有各种高,中,低档价位美味套餐供您选择。同时我们有专业的卡拉OK音响供您聚会使用。 干净卫生,味美量足,服务满意是我们的宗旨,期待和欢迎您的光临。

Fresh Taste Corner is one of Calgary's best restaurants to experience Chinese culture and taste traditional Chinese delicacies. With chefs over 20 years of experience, we are confident in our abilities to serve some of the best Chinese dishes in Calgary. Our restaurant is dine-in, but we also offer take-out services and options to hold weddings and parties.

Want to see more? 浏览我们的菜单

Opening times

Monday—Thursday: 11:30AM — 2:30PM, 4:30 — 9:00PM Friday—Saturday: 12 — 9:30PM Sunday: Colsed